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About Us


Genesis Baptist Ministries Incorporated was founded by Pastor Randall Millsaps in the Western part of North Carolina. After caring for both the physical and spiritual needs of those largely ignored by society, Pastor Millsaps felt the Lord was calling him to expand the church's mission field and serve more people by creating a place for men to find the restoration that they need in God as they exit prison. Certain in his calling, Pastor Millsaps officially started Genesis Baptist Ministries in 2022 and has been working to expand ever since. The Board of Directors was established along with the ministry.

A dark photo of prison bars and light coming through from the outside world. Bring in the

Our Mission

In addition to the general advancement of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the corporation was incorporated for the specific purpose of enabling individuals coming out of prison to establish themselves both Spiritually and physically. Every person will be exposed to the Word of God through preaching and regular church services. It is the hope that each person receiving assistance from the corporation will develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. The corporation will give each participant assistance in learning a marketable skill to enable the person to obtain a job and independent living arrangements The expectation is for every person to be financially stable with full possession of living and driving privileges within 6-9 months in this program. Services of the corporation shall be available to any person coming out of prison regardless of religious beliefs, ethnicity, sexual orientation or age as long as the person signs a contract that sets out the expectations of the corporation for their conduct, participation and progress. In the initial stage of the corporation’s rendering services, it is expected that services will be initially limited to male persons given the need to house recipients and at the present the corporation does not have the means to provide segregated housing for males and females. The corporation through its board of directors are directed to establish a plan to offer services to both male and female persons within five (5) years of organization. 

Board of Directors

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